Bensley and Dipré, a duo of artists now in their fifth year of collaboration.

The starting point or base camp of their working method combines film photography with overpainting. Subjects (usually the artists themselves) are shot on black and white film, then from these shoots selected silver gelatin prints are reworked in the studio.

Over time the collaboration has acquired increasing layers of complexity, with David and Nicola’s nominal roles (painter - photographer) growing blurred and interchangeable. Both at shooting and print manipulation stages they look to push the boundaries of the process, through applying distortion or interposing other media in the former, or by incorporating scratching, drawing or collage (as well as painting) in the latter.

These explorations serve to create a highly distinctive visual language, one that merges their respective disciplines and integrates the materials under their control.

Nicola Bensley

Studied at Newcastle Upon Tyne College of Arts & Technology and Harrow School of Art. She worked as a photojournalist before shifting her focus to portrait and fine art photography. Recent subjects include Frank Auerbach and Maggi Hambling, including the solo presentation FrankAuerbach: A Morning in the Studio at Piano Nobile, London in 2022. Nicola exhibits regularly in London and has won awards for both her portrait and fine art work. 


David Dipré

Studied painting at Camberwell College of Arts and the University of Central Lancashire.He has exhibited widely over the last thirty years, including in the John Moores Painting Prize and the National Portrait Gallery’s BP Portrait Award on three occasions and is featured in the National Portrait Gallery’s publication 500 Portraits.